Category Archives: CRIBS – Varnish Clique Edition

CRIBS – Varnish Clique Edition: Sandy!!

So obviously we save the best for last around here (lol). Just kidding, I already conceded to Jess that she has the best space.  I mean I can’t beat those shelves!  But whatever, this is my space- the room I do most of my nail polishing.  I love it, because it’s me and it’s also my home office where I am lucky enough to work from home most days.

This is the best place for when I just want to hang out and/or be alone and do work.  I’m right next to the window which is the window lighting you see in most of my pictures.  I usually raise the blind all the way up for more light when I actually take the picture. And when I’m not taking pictures, I keep the blinds lowered at that point pictured for privacy because it provides a good amount of day light without brightening the room too much.

5 things I’m picking out of this corner space  to tell you more about myself:

1. Ray Lewis is the man.  I’m a huge Ravens fan (as if you couldn’t already tell) and Ray Lewis is god.   He was one of the original Ravens drafted when the Ravens were first starting out in Baltimore, and he’s just the best player ever.  Words can’t express the feelings I have for this man, amazing football player, leader, and a Raven through and through.  Moreover, I met him once at Ravens training camp, marking one of the best days of my entire life.

2. I got these fold up cheapie speakers from a security conference I attended and I love how they don’t take up much space and the fact that they have a little pocket in the front for my hair elastic ties! I swear, I constantly need a hair tie and I somehow lose them all- and this allows me to have a bunch in one place so I have one handy whenever I need one.

3. I don’t use these nearly as often as I should but my fitness is ALWAYS a work in progress and these hand grippers are pretty neat.  For one, they always present a challenge to me (I guess I’m weak) but it’s a great way to squeeze in some reps if I need to while I’m on a conference call or watching some training video (remember I also do legit work in this space).  Oh and they were cheap at Target.. like $6 for  a pair!

4. In the corner, that plastic flap (barely pictured) is my part of Cricut machine.  It makes paper diecut things… I am in loooove with it even though I don’t scrapbook. I’ve made a few cards with it and I just love how it’s allowed me to channel my creativity in other ways.  I’m gonna try to use it for some of my nail designs but that remains to be seen.

5. I have two computers… a personal Dell laptop with 21″ Dell Monitor for multi tasking and photo-editing purposes (yes I’m the equipped picture nazi of the group) and a Macbook Pro for work.  I didn’t like Macs because I thought they were overpriced but because I didn’t have to pay for it, I have this one, and I really like it!  I’m a total convert now, I even have an iPad.  It’s really crazy for me, but the products are pretty, high quality, and they work – so I guess they’re worth it? lol

So there you have it. I also have a Helmer in the other corner of the room for all my polishes and nail care so they’re all easily accessible as well.  I just love how versatile this space is… it’s a a craft room, my work space, as well as a nail and nail blogging sanctuary 🙂

CRIBS- Varnish Clique Edition: Melissa!!

Jess had the brilliant idea to do a little “get to know us” post where you could see our nail painting environments. While I’m sure Sandy cleaned her area, and Jess has a whole operation set up at her place, mine is pretty makeshift at the moment. But this is also very… ME. I have both a dining room table (covered in (not literal) crap) and a desk set up in the spare room. Which is more of a junk room because I have too much junk to confine to just a drawer. Ask Jess, she’s been there. This room is actually where I store my polish, and there is a small path carved out to reach my melmer on the book shelf in there. But it’s not currently a space where I can comfortable do my nails. So I just do them in the living room.

I sit on the couch I despise, with my comp set on the tv table (so I can keep up with my Tweeps on the Twittas!) and watch tv. As I type this post, I’m currently watching the Redskins whoop up on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. You can see that the TV table is where my acetone and polish that I am using sit (a disaster waiting to happen). And you can’t see it, but I use a computer lap desk, which is sitting on the ottoman, to rest my hands while I polish and do clean up.

Despite being almost 25 years old, I do have a few stuffed animals hanging out on my couch. But they are there to show my love to my sports teams, the Redskins, The Terps, and Liverpool FC. I don’t have a Caps bear yet, but the season is near, and this is something I will rectify as soon as I can get to the Verizon Center. The pictures on the wall are from my travels during my year abroad at The University of Liverpool. You can see my tote is haphazardly dropped on the floor by the couch because the first think I want to do when I get home from work is do my nails! I find doing manicures soothing, something that occupies my mind and allows me to veg out. As I’m currently SLAMMED at work, and working through boy issues, this is a wonderful escape at the end of the day. Plus, I’m not the girliest girl and having my nails done makes me feel pretty, oh so pretty!

CRIBS – Varnish Clique Edition: Jess!!

Some people have craft rooms, I have a one chair nail salon haha. This right there should tell you a bit about me, although, no lie, I’d totally have a craft room too if I could! (like my nail art wasn’t a tip off of that fact :P) Since you readers see so much of our manicures, we thought we’d let you into where the magic happens for each of us and in the process let you get to know a bit about each of us. We’re each going to pick 5 things in our photo and tell you a little about ourselves through them!

My room is kinda small, and so is my aunt’s house, so my room gets a little cramped with all of my stuff. But, I try at all costs to keep this area as my little safe haven. It’s where I unwind, get creative, and spend time catching up with friends back home 🙂

1) See that teddy bear? Yeah, totally not a relic from childhood haha. He’s from an adventure with Mel to Dave and Buster’s one night when we were 21. His name is Leif Erikson (think about it for a few, and remember we were drunk, then it’s worth a little chuckle haha) and I have absolutely no shame in having him out on permanent display.  It’s a memento of youth, good times, and good friends… and he just makes me laugh haha.

2) That little blue picture box has pictures of my paternal Grandpa’s house on the sides of it. My Grandpa lives in Newfoundland and my Dad was Canadian until he got naturalized when I was 13, so both Newfie and Canada hold a special place in my heart ❤  I also have a tattoo of a maple leaf on the inside of my right ankle to remind me of that side of the family (don’t get me started on tattoos… I only have 2 now, but I love them and have plans for more!) I don’t get up there as often as I’d like, but I have really fond memories of every time I’ve been.

For 3-5, plus more pictures of my corner, hit the jump!

❤ Jess

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